Hurricane Johnson Order Page
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To order Hurricane Johnson merchandise visit SHOP JOHNSON

To order your Hurricane Johnson CD's or Tapes call (703) 361-2787.

Prices are as follows:

Cleavage                                CD $10     Tape $6     8-Track Cassette $22

Dos Caliente                           CD $10     Tape $6     8-Track Cassette $22

Breakfast with the Johnson's    CD $10     Tape $6     8-Track Cassette $22

Please add $2 shipping and handling to each CD or Tape.

Small Print:  Every single CD and Tape is hand made at the Hurricane Johnson studio.  Each one is made using the finest materials available.  The money charged for the recordings simply cover materials.  There is absolutely no profit made from the sale of these CD's, Tapes or 8-Track cassettes.  If you like the material we cover, please run out to your local music store and purchase the recording by the original artist.

All item's are shipped 1st class to the return address provided.
Expect 4 weeks for delivery.
All CD's are available at any Hurricane Johnson performance.

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